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Valérie Marcantoni
St nicolas de bliquetuit (Arelaune-en-Seine) / France
Artiste Painter
Valérie Marcantoni

Born in France, in CHARTRES (Eure et Loir) on August 17, 1967, Valérie Marcantoni quickly presented predispositions for drawing.

His day of birth, coincidence or not, is the same as that of an Italian artist of the 16th century, Francesco Albani, fresco painter and designer.

From the age of 17, she began to explore paint while drawing inspiration from great masters like Vincent Van Gogh.

Married and mother of twins, she gave up painting in Paris. 25 years to dedicate to her role as a mother. At the same time, she entered the administration.

However, it continues sporadically. draw with the sanguine.

It was only 30 years later, in Normandy, that his passion for painting was reborn. She set up her workshop in the veranda of her home and started again. paint as you wish. She tries her hand at acrylic paint and these new techniques like pouring.

She finds her new models by searching for photographs on the internet, animals, landscapes, children, women, life scenes as well as abstract art. His paintings reflect his personality. : bright, shimmering, sparkling colors.

Since the end of 2022, his works have been presented at exhibitions in Normandy. She is overflowing with projects, including one that is particularly close to her heart. heart, get an Akoun rib.

Despite the vicissitudes of life, Val&eac;rie Marcantoni was able to brilliantly reconnect with her passion, painting.

His key words are respect, sincerity and honesty. and love.

We bet that this painter will be able to lead her talent towards a radiant future.



Artistic approach

My artistic approach is to play with colors.

I like to introduce young children to acrylic painting. For this I do workshops in nursery school classes, to teach them how to paint. straw or ball.

Painting allows me to escape into joy, I am incapable of painting into sadness.

The look has a big place in my paintings, it grabs you and transports you to get closer to me.

Each artist offers a part of himself when he separates from a work.




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Dates clés
My first exhibition in October 2022

The artistic work of Valérie Marcantoni

Newly added works

Acrylique, personnages, animaux, fleurs, paysages