Discover the contemporary work of Xiorcaled (ED)

From North to South, from East to South In the West, I took root in a department between the river, the Loire and the Atlantic Ocean. I found a creative path to see, perceive, receive perspectives.
Then I dared to take flight by touching the colors.
Painting the oil made me slip.
It was then, under the influence of my teaching in architecture, to be rather close to the definition of landscapes , more authentic look(s) and linked more to time ... also a diploma on know-how. And I extracted an essay on the concept of "Optimistic Landscape"; a very modest vision counterfeited with literary references...
Then I returned to the idea of collages and that of accompanying exhibitions to small classes...
I draw on the idea that color finds its meaning in the dilution, the mixing of materials and materials, modestly in small touches.
Then at reading some literary works and following exhibition spaces I try to access summits, a sky without blue or even countries without horizon or even plant and mineral backgrounds without real texture... What?
And so, I took a walk; in this idea of collage and, of a signature of a mirror shine, the depths of my oceans.
The artistic work of Xiorcaled (ED)
Newly added works

Optimistic Landscape