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Paris 18 / France
Artiste Painter

Yasmine, 26, is a computer engineer living in Paris, but above all an artist. She has always drawn and painted in a self-taught way, having never taken formal classes or attended art school. Her artistic journey is marked by a deep passion for creation, which she kept secret for a long time.

Yasmine has always been his first admirer, recognizing the value of his work long before sharing it with the world. Her art, which she describes as a pure expression of her being, has been a constant source of inspiration and personal satisfaction for her. Today, she feels the need to make her works known to the public, convinced that they deserve to be seen, loved and appreciated by others. Through this exhibition, Yasmine invites everyone to enter her universe, where emotion and imagination meet, revealing a unique vision of the world around her.

Artistic approach

Since I was a child, art has always been my refuge, an intuitive way to express what I feel. Long before I became an engineer, creating art was an integral part of my life. Even if I sometimes lost my way, painting and art have always been what I did when I was happy, angry, or sad. Self-taught, I never took classes or attended art school, but that never stopped my passion.

Today, after years of exploring my artistic universe alone, I feel the need to share my work with the world. Coming out of the shadow of my introverted and shy character, I want to convey a message through my works. My art is an extension of myself, an invitation to feel and reflect. I create not only to express my emotions, but also to connect with the outside world, so that everyone can find an echo of their own feelings.

As an introvert, I have created an inner world, well hidden and protected. Through my paintings, I want to expose you to this world, expressing my desire to create bonds, friendships, and connections with those who appreciate this means of communication.

My works are an expression of my feelings and thoughts, translated through abstract shapes and colors, as well as my vision of reality. My background as a computer engineer has never hindered my development as an artist; on the contrary, it has allowed me to cultivate another aspect of my artistic personality. I am an artist who captures an emotion x at a moment t, and who expresses it at through the dynamic states I go through, just like an ever-evolving algorithm.

Everything in my work is spontaneous, everything is random. It is this unpredictability that gives each work its uniqueness. I am inspired by life, by people, by their emotions, by their personality, by what they are, by what they hide, by what they think of me, and by my feelings about all of this. I like to know what people think of me. Far from defining or limiting me, these thoughts only reflect their own image, as sent back by me.

My art is therefore both an exploration of oneself and an opening towards others, a silent dialogue between the interior and the exterior, where each work becomes a window onto a hidden world, both personal and universal.

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First exhibition

The artistic work of YAZ

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