Discover the contemporary work of Münire Yurdayüksel

She was born in Ankara (Turkey) in 1959. She graduated from Gazi University, Faculty of Vocational Training, Painting Department. The same year she worked as an art instructor in Izmir (Turkey). Later, she established her own workshop where she started giving drawing and painting lessons. In 1996 she held her first foreign exhibition in Brussels. This exhibition gained so much success. In 1999 she moved to Belgium and established her workshop in Brussels.In 2002 she was admitted to the Academy for Plastic Arts (RHoK), Department of Graphic Design in Brussels. She had a special training of gravure and other printing techniques. Beside participating in the historical printing workshop of the academy, she is continuing her acrylic paintings on her own atelier.Through the effects of light and shadow, the figures evoke symbolic and romantic approaches in her paintings. The objects and shapes fill the space and give the impression of a permanent movement. They are transformed into fiction where reality and abstraction are perceived in a surrealistic manner.The combination of the surface and depth, with the harmony of colors, shapes and circular movements, form the basic principles of Münire Yurdayüksel`s painting. Color is the most important characteristic of her works. The exchange between warm and cold colors as well as the carefully formed color shades play an important role in the use of space. This creates a dynamic approach which transforms colors into shapes and shapes into colors.The overlapping shapes merge with each other, giving the impression as if they were unseperatebly attached. The forms are fused into an organic whole and give an illusion of depth on a varying surface. This results in the creation of dynamic abstract forms.Münire Yurdayüksel has held many solo exhibitions and has participated in numerous group exhibitions both in Turkey and abroad. Her works can be found in private collections, government museums and collections in Turkey and abroad.