Discover the contemporary work of yves AMOURET
My studies at the Beaux Arts in Grenoble and Quimper were marked by two teachers:
Jean Marie Pirot known as "Arcabas"
and Jean Le Merdy, a marine painter.
These two characters with strong temperaments still have an imprint on the painter that I am today.
Extraordinary lessons certainly, but difficult to juxtapose, for the young student that I was!!!
My approach remains simple, humble, a classic, abstract work, strongly influenced by two forces.
1) - The techniques taught by these two teachers
2) - the environment in which I live in France " The Pink Granite Coast" (The earth, the water, the sky are my sources of inspiration, always suggested in my Art) this region of Brittany typical and unique Trégor.
My career is marked by numerous exhibitions, two of which deserve to be named:
Cap sur les Arts in Perros Guirec and Art Capital at the Grand Palais in Paris.
Today the adventure continues with as much enthusiasm and passion.