An exploration of matter: A reflection on identity: A critique of consumption: The work you present is a representation of a pair of pants, transformed by painting. Clothing, an everyday object, is here elevated to the rank of a work of art. Pants, usually associated with a utilitarian function, here become a medium for artistic expression. Yellow dominates and creates a feeling of brightness and warmth. The material of the pants, usually rigid, here seems supple and fluid thanks to the painting. The folds and reliefs of the fabric are accentuated by the pictorial material. The shape: The shape of the pants is recognizable, but it is distorted by the painting. The colors and materials seem to have infiltrated the fabric, transforming it.
Lot information
W. 60 x L. 90 cm
Work signed by the artist
Certificate of authenticity
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Artist Seller
Shaked ADIV –
Born on 08/07/1962
Member of ARTactive since 21/05/2022
Totalize 109 “Like” for his profile and his works
Represented by the gallery: ARTactif