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Painting: timeless art…

One of the seven arts, painting is de facto reminiscent of the paintings exhibited in the most prestigious museums, like the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. However, it is a timeless form of art which has remarkably managed to span the ages, from before Jesus Christ to Prehistory, Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. If being a painter had nothing rewarding, today its democratization has made small shadow painters into protagonist artists of society. Oil painting, acrylic, watercolor, pastel or mixed media, painting captivates in all its forms.

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Contemporary painting

From prehistoric times to today, painting remains an inexhaustible source of inspiration for artists around the world. In addition to representing a field of contemporary art, it constitutes a means of expression with multiple forms. Indeed, the brushstrokes illustrated on a painting hide a concept or a subject. Whatever the theme you are looking for, ARTactif presents a wide range of contemporary paintings.

Contemporary art, contemporary painting: what is it about?

According to chronology, contemporary art follows modern art which was initiated between 1850 and 1945 by the impressionist movement. Contemporary art is therefore any artistic movement born after the Second World War. Pop art, graffiti art, Fluxus, Street art and digital art are examples.

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Le Christ s’était rendu sur le mont Thabor avec Pierre, Jean, et Jacques. Après s’être endormis, ils furent réveillés par la vue de Jésus entouré des prophètes Moïse et Elie, transfiguré, dans une tunique d’une blancheur éclatante. Ils prirent alors conscience de sa nature divine. Mon tableau les représente victimes d’un songe partagé, de nature hypnagogique. Dans celui-ci, ils prennent conscience de la terrible opposition entre le bas et le haut. En bas la matérialité des êtres de chair, et en haut l’immatérialité de l’âme, de la foi, et de toutes les utopies religieuses ou politiques. Moïse et Elie, figures tutélaires, ne sont plus qu’une métaphore des forces germinatives de la nature, et se résolvent en poires, raisins, courgettes, pommes, blés, oignons, selon la recette inventée par Arcimboldo. Le Christ n’est plus que du vent : vent qui dessèche les corps jusqu’au squelette, mais aussi vent qui ensemence et purifie le monde.
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