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Photos passion dévorante
Saint-Paulet-de-Caisson / France
Artiste Photographer
Photos passion dévorante

A little overview about myself and my shop:

Let's try to start with me. I am the father of a little wolf and fulfilled by this. from this point of view. I started à work in the equestrian field in horse racing as a training rider caring for race horses. More recently, not long ago, I was behind the wheel of a truck on the roads. I have always tried as far as possible to to work in “passion” professions.

I have no regrets about this. this level. For a long time now I have loved taking photos, although differently from today. It started by simple disposable cameras, then the first compact digital cameras. But each time, the only thing without having the adequate equipment, I tried to ensure that the photos were at least successful. Then I discovered bridge and finally reflex cameras and...revelation at the same time. apart from the automatic mode and again, I didn't understand anything... disillusionment? No, I absolutely wanted to be able to transcribe what I had in front of my eyes and share it.

One day, without wanting to go home too much, in the details I fell; in deep depression. It's really there. When my true revelation came. I already knew that I loved photography, that it interested me. But one night when I went to the banks of the Ardèche to take photos of the starry sky; and sleep outside the beautiful star, I was as if amazed both by the calm of the night and by the celestial vault which took shape above me while I prepared my camera and then put it to work. and there PAF: that's what I want to do, I want to work in the photo, the where I feel good and I think about it. nothing but want captured best in the present moment.

Photography is a real escape for me, I feel alive again. Be focused in the present moment. Inform me in the photos taken at my return, what is this insect, this wild plant. I am learning to reach out to others through photography. It's a lot of work, a lot of personal and financial investment, preparation before but also after the sessions. So yes it’s a DEVORING PASSION, but it’s also a passion that nourishes me from the inside.

So I want to make it my job and make a living from it but also make a profit from it. wonders that surround us. It is therefore a real pleasure for me to welcome you here and to share my passion with you through these images. Thanks to you for taking the time to read my little piece of writing and welcome here to my store but also yours.

The artist has no events planned at the moment. I add an event
Dates clés
Date I decided to make it my career at the age of 40, midlife crisis for me?
Given by
And more precisely in March 2023 where I created my online store.

The artistic work of Photos passion dévorante

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