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How to sell your work on the internet?
comment-vendre-ses-oeuvres-sur-internet - ARTACTIF
June 2021 | Reading time: 3 Min | 0 Comment(s)

The health crisis has had a major impact on e-commerce and consumer buying habits with an explosion in online sales. The art sector has not escaped the trend, as galleries, deemed "non-essential", have remained closed to each confinement. So, faced with this shift in the art market towards digital, how do you sell your works on the internet?

ARTactif, the first online art sales site, has completely redesigned its platform to include new functions. These aim to enable in-house artists to sell themselves better, all thanks to a range of professional tools that are resolutely more 21st than 20th century. Among them, a digital book to always have one's works at hand, an agenda to announce one's events or a personal website to showcase one's know-how. Other services such as auctions or estimates of works are also proposed. Since its creation, ARTactif's objective has been to help artists to make a name for themselves by presenting their artistic creations to the greatest number of people. With 5 million page views in 2019, the site intends to give its members the means to achieve their ambitions.

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Example: Gallery specializing in Pop Art