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Art: from prehistory to the present day!
lart-de-la-prehistoire-a-aujourdhui - ARTACTIF
August 2023 | Reading time: 3 Min | 0 Comment(s)

Art, in the broad sense of human creative expression, dates back to extremely ancient times. The first manifestations of art date back to prehistoric times, when human beings began to leave traces of their creativity on objects such as cave walls, clay sculptures and decorated artefacts. This happened tens of thousands of years ago.

The earliest forms of art

The earliest forms of art were linked to survival, spirituality and communication. Cave paintings found in caves such as Lascaux in France and Altamira in Spain, dating from 15,000 to 40,000 BC, are among the earliest known examples of human artistic expression. These works show representations of animals, hunting scenes and other elements of everyday life at the time.

Art: an ingrained feature of human experience

Over time, the forms and functions of art have evolved according to cultures, religious beliefs, technologies and social influences. Art has played many different roles in society, from decoration and visual communication to the celebration of spirituality and philosophical reflection. There are many theories and debates about the origins and motivations of art, but it is clear that artistic creation has been a deeply rooted feature of human experience since prehistoric times.

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