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Share your favourites on your social networks!
partagez-vos-coups-de-coeur-sur-vos-reseaux-sociaux - ARTACTIF
July 2021 | Reading time: 8 Min | 0 Comment(s)

We have planned everything on the ARTactif site to allow you to share your favourites, but also to make known the achievements of your favourite artists!
You wonder how? Simple, with little buttons for sharing on social networks next to the contemporary works presented!

How to share on social networks?
When you go to one of the contemporary works of an artist, referenced on the ARTactif site, you will find a small list of actions, and the buttons for social networks such as Facebook and Pinterest!
All you have to do is click on the one you want!
A window will then open and allow you to add a comment, before all this is then published on your personal account.
Very simple, fast, and above all very efficient to make people talk about a contemporary artist and what you like about him!
To use this service, you need to have an account on our platform. Don't panic, it only takes a few minutes. All you have to do is give ARTactif a little time to create your personal space, and enjoy the many advantages that this implies.

Why share on social networks ?
There are many reasons! But the most important ones, according to us, are to make known the artists and the works that we have the pleasure to reference on our website. But also to help spread the culture of contemporary art, everywhere on social networks.

Are you a visitor?
Thanks to these shares, your community will be able to discover the works and artists that you like, and will surely be able to find works to their taste! It's a good way to share the culture of contemporary art, elsewhere than on our specialised site.

Are you an artist?
Our site is a real showcase for your works, so why not take advantage of it to promote them on your networks. In addition to allowing your followers to discover your past and present creations, it will also give them the opportunity to see where to buy them and thus, to make you a sale easily.

Add beauty to your community life
In these somewhat troubled times, the publications found online are often bleak, highlighting the world's unhappiness, no matter what the field. By sharing a piece of work that has touched you, brought you pleasure, or even made you smile, you can shed light and change the direction of the discussions of your followers.

It is therefore important to share on social networks the contemporary works that you like. With the introduction of these buttons, this is what we are trying to highlight on our online directory of contemporary artists.

Do you have questions, need advice or a helping hand? Our team is at your disposal. You can trust them to answer you quickly.