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The "Heart" to follow the artist and his news, on ARTactif
le-coeur-pour-suivre-lartiste-et-ses-nouveautes-sur-artactif - ARTACTIF
August 2021 | Reading time: 9 Min | 0 Comment(s)

Send hearts to our contemporary artists

As you may have noticed, you can click on a small "heart" when you are on an artist's page. It is also easy to select it from the home page, at the bottom right of the visuals presented. Do you know what this is for? You probably don't, but anyway, we tell you all about it!

What is it?

It's a little "heart", filled with love! It allows you to bookmark the painting and the artist you liked. You can use it as many times as you like, as you discover the works on our website. This way, you can add artists from different trends, with different styles, but who have touched you.
To access your favourites, you will need to log in to your personal account. You don't have one yet? Don't worry, we'll explain everything on our "Subscriptions" page.

Where to find it and how to use it?

When you are on the page of an artist, a small white heart, circled in black, is present. It is also possible to find it when you arrive on the home page. It will then be at the bottom right of the small thumbnails of works.
But in order to use it you will have to log in to your personal account.
Then, by clicking on it, you will see that it will fill up to stay that way, even after you have left the page.
We have decided to put it in front of all the pages of our contemporary artists, in order to allow you to show your love or simply your interest for a work.
It is very nice for anyone to know when someone else appreciates their work! So go ahead and tell our artists how much you appreciate them!

Like and follow your favourite artists

The little heart is also an easy and simple way to quickly find artists and their work. With it, you can find them all in one click.
When you arrive on your ARTactif account, you will notice that there is a "Favourites" page in the menu. It is at the top, on the right, next to "Search", "Messages" and "My Account". This is where your favourites will be stored.
You will be able to find them all, and follow their news such as the putting on line of new works or even the sale of certain creations.

At ARTactif, we wish to share and put forward all contemporary artists. This is why we have set up, for many years, this reference directory of contemporary art and artists. So, whether you want to send a lot of love to the contemporary artists you like, or simply to follow their work and all their news, do not hesitate to use the small "Heart" of the favorites that we put at your disposal.

Do you have any questions or remarks about this little option on our website? Do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to answer all your questions. We look forward to hearing from you.


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