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Albert Peres
Tarifa / Spain
Artiste Painter
Albert Peres

"My passion for plastic expression arose in adolescence through photography. Self-taught, I began to explore the field of visual creation, making collages and drawings full of originality that I try to take advantage of to inspire myself as an advertising creative, a field where I currently work.

It is in recent years that I have been focusing on painting, experimenting with large format canvases and developing an abstract expressionist style influenced by Basquiat and the Fauvist spirit. I constantly ask myself the question: how would Basquiat paint this?...

Faithful to the countercultural values that inspire me-mysticism, spontaneity, nonconformity-, I avoid public protagonism, preferring that my visual creations speak for themselves. alone and connect directly with whoever contemplates them.

Artistic approach

"My work travels the explosive terrain of abstract expressionism with an accent on color. The Fauvist force of pure contrasts and vibrant ranges distill the essence of my compositions.

From Basquiat, my greatest inspiration, I take the raw expressiveness, his enigmatic symbols, the dynamism of his figures. Like him, my backgrounds are tense canvases dotted with doodles, phrases, colors fighting to break through. From Rothko I take the chromatic luminosity, the large formats saturated in layers of paint with a life of their own. From Pollock, the dripping strokes that flow rhythmically over backgrounds of intense lyricism. De Kooning's gestural energy also runs through my canvases, configuring spaces in constant tension.

The act of painting, attacking the white of the frame with weightless stains or dense crusts, thus becomes in liberating experience. Color is the vehicle to connect with that creative impulse that defines humanity."

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