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Clichy la Garenne / France
Artiste Photographer

Originally from the Paris region, I am a naturalist-animal photographer. I explore parks, gardens, nature reserves, forests, all places that bring me closer to nature. Other magical places, tropical greenhouses which are observatories for me.  

Butterflies allowed me to take my first steps in photography;

I participated in à numerous wildlife photo competitions

In addition, training in Art Therapy with ARTEC,  I run creative workshops in retirement homes.

Artistic approach

 What could be more beautiful than a flight of butterflies passing from Flower to Flower. The Butterfly evokes lightness, freedom, beauty.

Project in progress, production of a work on tropical butterflies that we can admire in the tropical greenhouses located in France. I would like to produce this work so that people who do not have the opportunity to read it to go to their country of natural habitat, to get to know these beauties that nature gives us and to know them better.

I explore tropical greenhouses, research in natural history museums, meet enthomomogists or curators in order to complete my knowledge.

To follow the progress of this work, visit Facebook and France-artisan





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work collective artists

The artistic work of AMIEL

Newly added works

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