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Ana Petra León
Ponferrada / Spain
Artiste Painter
Ana Petra León

My name is Ana Perra León. I studied Fine Arts (Unvir) Salamanca. Since then my dedication is painting. I have a large collection and every day is new for me. because it means that I can use a thousand colors to achieve a painting that conveys joy and optimism. I paint to make life happier. Figurative themes and sometimes abstraction. I have held many individual and group exhibitions. Also, of course, the sale of my works gives me great satisfaction. I hope that people can see my work and feel happy when looking. 

Artistic approach

As Mattise said, I paint to be happy, to transmit light and color. Don't tell me sorrows, (I say this), I already know Where are they, that's why I offer you light and color to overcome fear. To awaken a smile.

I paint acrylic on canvas. Normally 90 by 60 cm. (or 1m by 90 cm). I like large formats...I feel freer. Normally my style is figurative, although abstraction is also part of my collection (although less so, because it confuses the viewer a lot). I like to say: see, this is how it is. ! Do you like it ? Good . That makes me happy . I have my  Studying and painting is a very rewarding activity especially when you do it. work is valued and bought (that's how it is). I admire creativity and honesty when painting. When you buy a work you have to know that it will accompany you. in your walk, it is therefore that it must be a faithful and joyful companion. Thank you all for reading me.😊


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Dates clés
Upon completion of studies and the first sale (that is not forgotten). It is a huge joy. Each painting is a key date for me
The sky in my hands

The artistic work of Ana Petra León

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