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Artiste Painter

Annie was born in Savoie and lives in Paris. Paris for 30 years. She stands out for her career as an artistic director in the world of fashion and luxury.

She oriented herself towards towards painting which gives him real freedom. to create by exploiting a personal chemistry with color, texture, line and space.

His point of view is not so much the series as the “tailor-made” work, a unique work signifying a moment, a mood.

Figurative minimalism, the body, borrowed from the masters of renaissance painting but also abstract geometric constructivism up to the figurative abstract, define it as " an artist who skips" and which plays with old and current codes.

His painting thus constantly evolves giving an appeal to novelty, immediacy of the moment.

Her reasoning starts from the principle that as her imagination is multipolar, she must be faithful to it so as not to fall into repetitive boredom but on the contrary into the passion of 39;a new subject.

Artistic approach

I see faces everywhere, in the mud, on the walls, in the reflections.

At first I painted simple portraits in order to transcribe the depth, the melancholy, the soul of the gaze.

This period I called it "black work" because I only worked on chiaroscuros and the vision of a bygone world.

Then the nudes, the skin inspired me, the softness and a certain romanticism is the white work.

Currently I have developed a passion for a bright, even neon, palette. This painting bursts and vibrates, it is the work of color.


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Dates clés
multiple sales, and “custom orders” and installation
Open days for artists from ménilmontant
concours Alfred Latour
shoes "custum" painting on shoes

The artistic work of Annie

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