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Who is Art'nB?

My childhood was an intense sensory immersion, bathed in the discovery of distant horizons which encouraged my my particular attraction to colors, shapes and materials. I kept like treasures in my head, images, ideas, projects that have become drafts, sketches, works.

An Epicurean at heart, I love art in all its forms, mixing different materials, techniques, supports...

What galvanizes me are the endless possibilities.

Fascinated by the impressionists and contemporary artists, I cannot, however, compartmentalize myself into a defined movement or style: I want to be free to be a touch to something different. everything!

So I’m taking you into my world to explore. multiple facets.

Welcome to all....

Artistic approach

I discovered art from childhood in Paris. at school during plastic arts workshops then through words in my poetry notebook and music. À As a teenager I took a few watercolor and watercolor painting lessons. oil and I created a small workshop in my parents' basement by testing various and varied techniques.

Naturally after the baccalaureate, I directed myself towards artistic studies at a later date. Olivier de Serres school in Paris Paris. Then becoming a professor, I put aside for a long time my own creativity serving the transmission and imagination of my students. Long hidden or offered to friends, it was unthinkable for me to exhibit or even imagine selling the fruit of my creativity. overflowing.

But hard times have put art back at the heart of my activities. Creation and painting took back their place in life and I created my self-business.

Over the years, disappointments, travels and discoveries, I have developed my skills. a particular attraction for poetry, words and portraits of women from all walks of life, from all walks of life. both strong and fragile, taking on all the roles throughout her life and going through all the emotions and changes. While noting the lack of recognition in art...

And yes... Which recognized female artist do you know? (Apart from Frida kalho, Niki de Saint Phalle) 🤔

Welcome to my world!

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Dates clés
Olivier de Serres School
Bachelor's degree in visual arts and art history
Creation of self-enterprise
Creation of my workshop and visual arts speaker MJC

The artistic work of Art'nB

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