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Espéraza / France
Artiste Painter

 Anne- Claire BOSH                                 ;                           [hidden for your safety]

Boshâ, born in 1971 in Paris is a multidisciplinary artist. His family environment introduced him very early to life. music, writing and painting. Since 2013, she has devoted all her time to; art. She writes, sings, composes melodies on the piano, and paints today in the small town of Aude, Esperaza. She went up Les Ateliers d’Espé dedicated to women artists. His watercolor series of bubbles was born after an intense spiritual quest and the reading of Satprem. For her, we are all atoms connected and united, we carry within us the history of all the humans who have populated our world. the planet since their appearance. She expressed these human lineages with series of tangled portraits then imagined the series of cells She has been exhibiting her collages and watercolors on tea towel paper since 2001. Paris and the South of France. His work creates zen spaces of introspection.

Artistic approach

My artistic approach is to make the viewer aware that everything is connected. We are our environment as much as we are ourselves, we are our ancestors and our descendants, we are each other and ourselves.  We are the objects that surround us, we are the world and its flaws. We are lush nature and damaged nature. We are. We are atoms. To give this strong conception of the world I started to by collages. As everything is already there, created, I create à from the work of others. Then I started to I started painting tangled faces, and came up with My series of cells which I am still pursuing today since 2013. I am also currently in a series of seizure of the cells. moment and movement.

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Devotion to art and music

The artistic work of Boshâ

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