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I invite you to come to visit my picture gallery and drawings, you will not be disappointed. I present it my own creations as well as great masters' reproductions such as Van Gogh, Renoir... I dedicated a page entitled " to create your picture(board) " to explain to you how to command(order) a picture(board) which you can personalize. For that purpose, I displayed(exposed) it some examples of paints(paintings) and drawings create according to photos. It allows you to give yourselves an idea of the work which I can make. For the pleasure of eyes and to understand(include) my creations, you can navigate pages "drawings" and "paints"("paintings") you will see the passion there which I have for this art. Because before any thing(matter), the paint(painting) and the drawing are passions. When I create, I am in another universe, a bubble which transports me in moments of enjoyment and happiness that he(it) is with difficulty explicable. In brief, I would finish on this word which indeed summarizes of what I thinks and feels about this art: passion...

Artistic approach

Aujourd'hui j'ai choisit de peindre essentiellement à l'acrylique et  à l'aquarelle même si j'ai déjà peint à l'huile il y a déjà quelques années. Ce choix est dû à la facilité de séchage du médium et donc à la rapidité d'éxécution de la toile.

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