Invented by Joseph Niépce in 1826, photography is based on two types of knowledge: optics, allowing an image to be captured and delivered, and chemistry used to fix it on a surface. Its inventor died in 1833, but Louis Daguerre continued his research to discover the development of the latent image reducing exposure time. At the end of the 19th century, Eastman Kodak democratized film photography by making it possible to take many photos in less time. Photography continues to evolve with the inventions of color, film, relief photos, and digital photos, or even synthesis, etc.
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Digital Photography
When we think of photography, we directly imagine a work of digital photography. However, while digital photography is the de facto standard in photography today, it was not always this way.
The history of photography in a few words
An Iraqi scientist created the first camera in history, the camera obscura, in the early 11th century. The first surviving photograph was taken in 1826 by a French photographer, Joseph Nicéphore Niépce, who used a portable camera obscura to capture the iconic image known as the "Point de vue du Gras."
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Miroir planétaire blanc~ ~Rendre visible l'invisible~Photographie 5 élement, Terre,Eau, Air,Feu, fusion surréelle, 3Dimensions,art abstrait, art géométrique, surréalisme, toile photo d'art contemporain,art nouveau,illusion optique Photographies miroirs 3D surréalistesL'objectif de cette exposition est de rêver et faire rêver.Refléter la réalité, les illusions de la Nature, découvrir d'autres dimensions en s'ouvrant à la magie de notre Terre-mère.C'est un travail d'illusionisme, c'est à dire transformer, changer les choses en inventant des jeux qui font évoluer les différentes formes de la conscience.Le miroir planétaire blanc est le Kin Maya correspondant à ma date de naissance.C'est l'énergie qui guide ma vie et m'oriente sur les défis que j'ai à relever dans cette existence.Mon "service planétaire", aujourd'hui, est de refléter la réalité, aider les autres à satisfaire une nécessité : se reconnecter avec leur imagination.Photographie trompe l’oeilFormats et supports disponibles sur ETSY ollinobsidienne section "wall art 3D"**White Planetary Mirror ~ ~ Make the Invisible Visible ~Photography 5 elements, Earth, Water, Air, Fire, surreal fusion, 3Dimensions,abstract art, geometric art, surrealism, contemporary art photo canvas, art nouveau, optical illusion 3D surrealistic mirror photographsThe aim of this exhibition is to dream and dream.To reflect the reality, the illusions of Nature, to discover other dimensions by opening ourselves to the magic of our Mother Earth. It is a work of illusionism, that is to transform, to change things by inventing games that evolve the different forms of consciousness. The white planetary mirror is the Kin Maya corresponding to my date of birth. It is the energy that guides my life and directs me to the challenges that I have to face in my life. This existence. My "planetary service" today is to reflect reality, to help others satisfy a need: to reconnect with their imagination.Trompe l'oeil photographyFormats and supports available on ETSY ollinobsidienne section "wall art 3D"