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Ridha DHIB
Paris / France
Artiste Performer
Ridha DHIB

Born in Sousse, Tunisia in 1966, I graduated from the École des Beaux-Arts in Toulon and have lived in Paris since 1991. For a long time, painting was my medium of choice before I embraced a more heterogeneous and rhizomatic artistic practice. For about fifteen years, my plastic research has focused on the liberation of the line of the plane. This work has evolved to integrate a new dimension: connected walking. This has become increasingly central to my artistic approach. Thanks to Using my smartphone, my body is transformed into a paintbrush, drawing impalpable lines on the surface of the earth. The smartphone also acts as a digital palette, generating and compiling a variety of data. The result is a work in constant evolution, mutant and polymorphic. It oscillates between physical installations and performances, palpable matter and digital data, forming a map that is both rhizomatic and poetic.

Artistic approach

In my research, the main problem is structured around a question: what can the line do? In other words, what are the plastic potentialities of an open and abstract trace? I experiment with it in its relationship to the plane, gesture and movement. I question the expressive promises of a line between thread and trace. And since there is only one step from the trace to the market, I naturally slipped into a line of flight. With this corollary: how can we "workshop" while walking? In this perspective, I "augmented" myself of a smartphone: tool among other things for captures, tracking and archiving... And I walk.  


Dates clés
“Totemic Bamboo” is a walking performance initiated in 2023, consisting of collecting and wrapping hair ties around a bamboo walking stick, thus creating a meditative ritual and a sensory mapping of urban life, merging art, geography and anthropology.
“Ex-tracés” is a 5,232 km walking performance, linking Paris to Mardin, where, in 160 stages, I wrote in Braille passages from the Geneva Convention on the Status of Refugees, all along the Balkan route taken by refugees, crossing 11 countries and using materials found on site.
“Rosace en confinement” is a walking performance, carried out during the confinement period, where I traced a 1 km radius rosette around my home in Paris, transforming the movement restrictions into a creative exploration of the imposed limits, thus redefining my own boundaries in a controlled space.
"Hor-I-zons" is a walking performance of approximately 3,400 km carried out between May 2 and August 13, 2019*. It was conceived as the embodiment of a hyphen connecting, via Italy, my Parisian studio to the Tunisian Sahel. As a Franco-Tunisian, I also carry this hyphen. This performance is the metaphorical expression of this "hyphen" that binds me and that binds...
“Bis repetita placent”, collective exhibition on walking, Espace de l’Art Concret, Mouans-Sartoux.
Performance conferences around the “Hor-I-zons” market performance
“Algorithmic Tawaf”, video as part of Digital November: “Liens de Travers”, multimedia stroll in the medina of Sousse.
“Circular Drift No. 1: Crown or Corridor?” is a walking performance where I followed the trace of a circle around the zero point of the roads of France in Paris, exploring the gap between the theoretical route and the reality of the path taken.
“Marching against the market”, text and interview on walking in the Revue Chimères, Number 93.
“Derrida arabesques”, performance as part of the fiftieth anniversary of Derrida’s three founding texts, at the Collège international de philosophie.

The artistic work of Ridha DHIB

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