Discover the contemporary work of RG

René GEORGES' poetical creations introduce us to a world of colors and joy. Drawing from the arts of sculpture and ceramics , GEORGES (born the 21 of November 1956) was schooled in both in London - he paints like he sculpts, with vigor and dynamism. While his paintings recall the Surrealistic movement, the colors he utilizes reminds us of Cobra school. They are as warm and bright as they are in Southern France where he spent five years of his live. His subjects, meticulous and precise, form a mysterious, yet well structured, ensemble. Enamoured of the very essence of nature, Georges is a tireless voyager, a wandering artist. His paintings can be seen in private collections throughout England, France, USA, Belgium, Germany, Luxemburg, Austria, Sweden, Polen, Yougoslavia.MOST IMPORTANT EXIBITIONS:- Harrow College oh Higher Education LONDON 1983 ENGLAND - Musée BEZIERS , Municipalité de MONTPELLIER, TOULOUSE, COLLIOURE 1989 FRANCE - Centre Culturel « Léo Lagrange » NARBONNE 1988 FRANCE - Centre Culturel CERET 1988 FRANCE - Galerie des métiers d’Art CARCASSONNE 1989 France - Palais Feerstel VIENNE 1992 AUSTRIA - Abney Gallery NEW YORK 1992 USA - Artovifat Galerie OVIFAT 1993 BELGIUM - American Bank Tours NEW YORK 1993 USA - Galerie Herouet PARIS 1993 FRANCE - Hôtel de Ville SAINT-VITH 1994 BELGIUM -American Polish Museum Long Island NEW YORK 1994 USA - Biennale STOCKHOLM 1995 SWEDEN - BRF Funkhaus EUPEN 1996 BELGIUM - Luxembourg Bank and Compagny Tours : Garanty Bank, Arthur Andersen Goodyear, UBS, Mutuel Bank, DG Bank, Svenska Handelsbanken, Atlantis, DEKA Bank, Indosuez, Fastnet Software, Unibank : 2000 – 2002 LUXEMBOURG - Mediatorial LONGWY 2009 FRANCE. Luxembourg Tour: Mondial Europartner, Euroscript, Erste Europäische Bank, Llyods DSB Bank 2010 - 2012. Boesner - Perl - GERMANY 2011. Culturel Center - Pétange - Luxembourg. Maïté Artgallery - Luxembourg 2012
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