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Palaiseau / France
Artiste Painter

After taking drawing lessons in Argentina, his country of origin, GESCO began to learn how to draw. sculpture and painting with Palaiseau, his city of residence since 1992. Member of the European Academy of Arts-France, GESCO begins to started working with acrylic painting in 2017. The artist expresses himself in abstraction, a personal approach inspired by literature as well as by singular historical events. Some of his works have been published sold at auction as part of charity events.

Artistic approach

“One of the definitions of art is that it concretizes the most subtle emotions.” Agnès Martin

It is these deep and subtle emotions that I seek to explore. express in my painting. In order to create a tactile universe, I superimpose layers of different materials which build a textured surface, enhanced by the use of colors to give depth.

I am inspired by literature, poetry and human behavior. Through the bold expression of salter blows and knives, the flesh of the work invites the viewer to experience get involved in the proposed expression, go down into oneself and find a sensitivity; which cannot be shared.

My work invites you to go further, deeper; it encourages the viewer to embark on a journey that will awaken emotions, passions, or on the contrary, that will inspire calm and pleasure.

Through my works, I wish to create a place for dreams in which we can disappear, let ourselves go.

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