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Gonzalo Ledesma
Coria Del Río / Spain
Artiste Painter
Gonzalo Ledesma

Born in Coria del Río, a town in Seville, since I was a child I felt total concern for the painting. I received painting classes by renowned authors in my province such as Francisco Tiravit and nationally renowned authors such as Hipólito Viana. At the end of high school I completed the degree in digital design and creation. And later I continued I completed my training independently.

Artistic approach

For me, as an artist, my work must transmit what photography cannot achieve. I understand and defend the responsibility of the artist to understand the world and the society in which we live. So I feel that working with a figurative approach and abstract touches are the perfect way to make the viewer vibrate through the interpretation of reality.

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The artistic work of Gonzalo Ledesma

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