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Sainte-Cécile-les-Vignes / France
Artiste Painter

Autodidact and sensitive to the world around me, I seek to transpose my thoughts onto paper. Bold and delicate, I am a young woman with a passion for life. I am an integral part and this is distinctly felt in each of my creations.

The portrait is for me, a way of feeling what is happening in the eyes of others. The pencil has been my first weapon for drawing faces charged with powerful emotional energy. I am in no way looking for perfection but that "little something" that we transmit with the eyes.

From 2017, I chose to give a new twist to my work. what I thought was unfinished. Following; several years of illness, I exchanged my my pencil with the brush and the felt-tip pen. Melancholic and strong at heart At the same time, I try to new techniques to try to engrave my pain on paper.

One day, while scribbling on a white sheet, the lines multiplied. I didn't think I would feel such things when visualizing my achievement but everything had become obvious. The evidence of linking the abstract to the figurative, the black to the the colour. To make chaos brighter, more optimistic. No more all or nothing, but the harmony of both.

Artistic approach

In search of my inner depth and self-expression. A journey on my own knowledge. Overcoming this will of wanting to control everything. Let go by discovering different tools, paints and textures to represent women. The one that fascinates me. The child as claimed.  The extravagant or the shy. The ones I have deep inside me.

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Self-taught pencil portraits

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