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Jean-Claude ROBLES
Cahuzac sur vère
Sale price :
360 EUR
Delivery included by the artist
Unique work
Date of creation

Painting: timeless art…

One of the seven arts, painting is de facto reminiscent of the paintings exhibited in the most prestigious museums, like the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. However, it is a timeless form of art which has remarkably managed to span the ages, from before Jesus Christ to Prehistory, Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. If being a painter had nothing rewarding, today its democratization has made small shadow painters into protagonist artists of society. Oil painting, acrylic, watercolor, pastel or mixed media, painting captivates in all its forms.

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Acrylic, a paint that adapts

Acrylic paint and its design

Acrylic is a paint whose solvent is largely composed of water. It is made from a mixture of pigments and acrylic resin and dries by evaporation of the water it contains.

The American printers Leonard Bocour and Sam Golden invented a first version of acrylic paint and put it on sale in 1949. Subsequently, the chemist Henry Levinson created artistic acrylic paint in 1963, diluted in water. Painters such as Andy Warhol and David Hockney used it very quickly. In Mexico, it was also designed around 1950. Chemists, in collaboration with Mexican mural painters, developed it during the creation of frescoes on the facades of the University of Mexico.

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Animal, Nature
W. 50 x L. 50 cm
Work signed by the artist
Certificate of authenticity
On demand
Very realistic male giraffe head. Acrylic on 340 g/m2 cotton canvas.
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The artistic work of Jean-Claude ROBLES

Newly added works

Peinture animalière. Éléphant d'Afrique peint sur toile 100 % coton 340 g/m2.

Peinture animalière. Portrait d' un gorille sur toile 100% coton 340 g/m2

Peinture animalière. Tigre de Sumatra sur toile 100 % coton 340 g/m2

Peinture animalière. Léopard sur toile 100 % coton 340 g/m2

Peinture animalière. Coq sur toilme 100 % coton 340 g/m2

Peinture animalière. Bouledogue français sur toile coton.

Peinture animalière. Tête de cheval sur toile.

Peinture animalière. Corrida, taureau et drapeau espagnol.

Peinture animalière. Hibou sur toile coton.

L'artiste et son instrument.


Peinture animalière - Léopard au réalisme saisissant

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