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AGDE / France

I passed my life create businesses, buy some again, then resell them when I felt that they no longer needed me...retirement in Hérault, by the sea, confinement linked to à the pandemic and idleness The corresponding data allowed me to make this observation: why when what I was putting together was working normally, did it no longer interest me? I deduced that it was a constant need to create... Through my functions in Art (Gallery owner and head of an association of ;plastic arts) I have been observing creators for a long time and I therefore started to explore them. my turn to create! Like everyone, I am sensitive to; ecology, the environment, the treatment of waste...and there you have it! how from an entrepreneur we become a "creator of feeling" (I'm not an artist...)!

Artistic approach

Originally I worked on empty graffiti cans in which I included characters or objects to give them new life, after having painted them with water. spray with the aerosol and after drawing in the posca of elements reminiscent of the integrated objects; then I applied the same technique on empty metal boxes; then I realized photo-painting (posca on photos) and now I draw with posca on anonymous canvases which have already been painted. served and which therefore find new impetus; my approach modestly follows the tradition of artists practicing upcycling by adding color and a story to my work. objects that have already been used lived.

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The artistic work of JOLBBI ONE

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