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Gonfaron / France
Artiste Painter

I was born à Dunkirk in 1970. Nature has shaped it. very early on my childhood and later my professional aspirations. A landscape designer by trade, my design office is then located in the city. in Normandy. In 2012 I decided to live in a region rich in landscape and diversity. : in the Mediterranean. Severe; I specialize in gardens ‘ dry’, then I become a trainer. The gardens were my first canvases before borrowing other supports to express my feelings, my travels and encounters. A trip to Japan, a waking dream and my painting became refined and structured. Since then, I have used ancestral techniques of point and material through the circle, symbol of infinity, and curves. Several pigments are used on supports such as canvas, fibers, wood... To sublimate matter and evoke the spirit of the living. My work is a tribute to the plant and animal world and the links that unite us. Kedz is a diminutive of my maternal grandparents' last name. They arrived towards the end of the last war to work in the coal mines of northern France; in Pas-de-Calais à; Marles-les-Mines (62). This name is a tribute to; my grandfather, a great sportsman, who left too early.

The artist has not yet entered his path.

The artistic work of Kedz

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