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Painting: timeless art…

One of the seven arts, painting is de facto reminiscent of the paintings exhibited in the most prestigious museums, like the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. However, it is a timeless form of art which has remarkably managed to span the ages, from before Jesus Christ to Prehistory, Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. If being a painter had nothing rewarding, today its democratization has made small shadow painters into protagonist artists of society. Oil painting, acrylic, watercolor, pastel or mixed media, painting captivates in all its forms.

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Oil painting

Oil painting is a painting technique well known to artists of the 19th and 20th centuries. However, this technique dates back to the end of the Middle Ages, gradually replacing tempora, which then consisted of an emulsion of egg yolk and egg white as well as colored pigments.

Its consistency was quite close to oil paint although it was later preferred for reasons of practicality.

If oil paint is popular, it is because it is a noble, rich, brilliant and creamy paint, particularly pleasant to work with for the painter.

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W. 50 x L. 70 cm
3000 g
Work signed by the artist
On demand
Certificate of authenticity
On demand
Sujet assez complexe, traité, approximativement, avec les couleurs qu'a dû utiliser Léonard de Vinci, il y a 5 siècles de cela. A la place des bases de colonnettes (structure en bois qui maintienne cette loggia extérieure), telles qu'elles existent chez Vinci, j'ai positionné sur la gauche, une bouteille de Bourbon et sur la droite, un verre du précieux liquide (boisson qu'affectionne Amy selon quelques photos de ses concerts). Les cheveux ont un volume à mi chemin entre ceux de la joconde et ceux d'Amy (ceci pour éviter de dénaturer l'esprit de la toile de Vinci). Taille : 70cm * 50cm, soit sensiblement moins que la vraie. J'essaye de m'inspirer des couleurs initiales (celles de Vinci, avant qu'elles ne s'oxydent et que le vernis n'est ternis les tons) selon une analyse réalisée en 2007 par Pascal Cotte. Challenge très dur et qui sera assez long... a Mona Lisa face of Amy Winehouse. This is a subject more complex, treated, approximately, with the colors has been used Leonardo da Vinci, there are 5 centuries ago. There will surely his ring on a finger of the Mona Lisa. Instead bases pillars (wooden structure that maintains the external loggia), here on the left, a bottle of Bourbon and the right, a glass of the precious liquid (drink so fond Amy according to some photos of his concerts) . The hair volume halfway between those of the Mona Lisa and those of Amy (this to avoid distorting the spirit of da Vinci's painting). This painting should be completed towards the end of the year with a state of improved finish.
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