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Laurent La Rocca
Roquefort (Roquefort-la-Bédoule) / France
Artiste Photographer
Laurent La Rocca

Photography is for Laurent a planet discovered for a long time, not yet explored enough, of which music is the atmosphere.

At a very young age, Laurent immortalized moments of joy, images in magical colors.

Today, at like a starry sky on a clear night, he gives free rein to his imagination and à his feelingsin an often abstract, even conceptual style. Often applying mirror effects to his work; his photographs, he then explores beyond limits of the mind thus creating paridolia, these optical illusions associating an undefined visual stimulus with a precise form.

His discoveries in the infinitely small transport us to the infinitely large. through its collections: « Love Chains » and “ Vegetable Love » materialize the cosmic rays of Love. The impression of an encounter of the 3rd type is omnipresent in « Creatures ». “Space Conquest” confirms a sensation of interstellar travel. “ On the way » and “ Nature’s Faces» are invitations to look at the world differently, to the limits of the imagination.

Artistic approach

Laurent La Rocca creates images with dazzling and magical colors, with Photography but also Painting. Contemplative, he is touched; by what surrounds him: plants, insects, the sky, the objects he encounters take place in his compositions. These are often paridolia, kinds of optical illusions where the the viewer will see a figurative form appear emerging from initially abstract, geometric or natural motifs. This is the side ephemeral of a face on a sheet for example which encourages him to think about it. immortalize the moment. He observes, he is at his disposal; the look of human or animal faces, which are not immediately obvious.

Dates clés
Self-taught at the School of Life

The artistic work of Laurent La Rocca

Newly added works

Chains of Love

Faces of nature


Crazy colors