Discover the contemporary work of Lutxo

Son of an illuminator, I worked alongside art and painting mainly since my early childhood. I have always drawn but I really started my journey as a painter in 2011. Following; a meeting with Claude Bromet, former designer for the Saint Louis crystal works, who evaluated my work in 2015 and invited me to à exhibit it in his company during an event he organized. In 2022 I created my site Lutxoart.com and I declared myself as Artist Author in 2023...
"Water, air, minerals and plants are my universe, my adrenaline...my fuel, and the ocean my muse"
Express the strong sensation that the unleashed elements give me or the robustness of the bare tree. which raises its branches towards the heavens, marked from the outrages of passing time, chiseling with precision; stab wound the millenary mineral eroded by the elements....sculpting the breaking wave, illuminate a tormented sky by menacing clouds to create the atmosphere that gives strength and life to people. my creations hoping to share my feelings through the viewer...feelings of life and desires