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Nacho Mur
Artiste Painter
Nacho Mur

BIOGRAPHY NACHO MUR I was born in 1969 and since that time; I lived , I was happy, I had painful losses, hopeful encounters, transformative experiences, misfortunes, dreams, hopes, many disappointments, laughter, tears, many changes. All those experiences that make me who I am today were accompanied by always painting and especially color, but above all, the deep experience of the transformation that occurs through the creative process. Of overcoming limits, of abandoning fear and jumping into the void, of wanting to go one step further and find on that threshold of the unknown, the most impressive possibilities for the development and evolution of the being. human. My search, in my work, has always been linked to: "To the stubborn fidelity to the primal light of painting, which is not the natural one that will not be. never. The light of the painting is the promised light, not the light found daily, no matter how great its splendor. Not the light that makes things visible to walk among them and for the gift of the eager retina. Well, human life is distinguished from others by having an interior, a dark interior where there is already a secret that cannot be revealed under natural light. The entrails, the heart, are the metaphor with which common language ;n has always designated that inhabited darkness that aspires to its own light. The painter sometimes achieves it, and then he has accomplished the prodigy of an ascension; "The dark heart has ascended to soul." Maria Zambrano To color not as an element that fixes, but rather that gives being. To cross the limits of the known and enter the unknown. May truth be reached through beauty. For the individual to become more and more a complete human being. To the love and recognition of the creative process, which gives us the void, to create from nothing and through individual experience, truly a new world.


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