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Balizac / France
Artiste Painter

Noël Yoan Lavaud (born in 1970) is a self-taught French painter based in Paris. in South Gironde. He is the son of a carpenter from its account. Practicing drawing from a very young age, he moved towards studies as an architect's collaborator. He will subsequently work in an architectural firm to launch into working life. Passionate also through music, he will fully invest himself as an author, composer and performer in the life of groups (bass, guitar and vocals). Concerts and tours will follow. This will be an opportunity for him to maintain a link with drawing by creating different illustrations and posters for cultural groups and associations. We will also feel this influence throughout the world. through harmony and musicality of his painting in the same way as one of his many masters such as Kandinsky. For him, colors and notes can express the same emotion in the same way as rhythm. Following; this mini career as a musician, he will devote himself more to his work. his family life with the birth of his daughter. He trained professionally as a freelance computer graphic designer and worked mainly for cultural associations organizing concerts and various events until 2014. Life subsequently led him into introspective work which pushed him à study and practice different activities related to "personal development" and "at best". It is only since 2019 that he has taken up his palette with frenzy to begin his final work.


Artistic approach


I am a self-taught painter navigating an expressionist and singular style which will seem abstract, but not entirely so. do. My approach being to probe the unknown, I strive to explore the unknown. create chaos hence life would spring forth, spontaneously, without prior reflection. These polymorphic universes devoid of “normal” are direct links with what the world is experiencing today. the present moment. It’s up to everyone to live and resonate with this, and to make their own reading of it. The goal is to highlight the energy captured in the gesture, to let it express itself there too. where we don't expect it. I like the idea of transmutation of energy into matter.

The  paintings follow one another without resembling each other, like landscapes passing by on a train journey. They constitute path maps, towards a world vibrant with surprises, within us and outside of us. Only the energy shaped and colored by the brush guides the eye just as words give meaning to something. a sentence.

Retouches are sometimes unnecessary, every trace is important.
Everything lacks its usefulness. Only the primary intention should appear.
The remains are only traces or imprints, remanences of this energy....

Major influences: impressionism, expressionism (German, American), surrealism, COBRA, free figuration, lyrical abstraction, outsider art, primitive and parietal art

The artist has no events planned at the moment. I add an event
The artist has not yet entered his path.

The artistic work of NOELL

Newly added works


The boxes

Large formats, but not too much

The impressions