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Roseline AL OUMAMI
Fougeres / France
Roseline AL OUMAMI

It is artists who seduced in a well defined niche. There is other, Roseline Al oumami of those who live an interior requirement for renewal of their work in a constant challenge: almost vital need, Blowout to a world of colours and forms necessary to the artist. Roseline Al oumami lives like authentic, artist of periods, each period emerges from time of reflection, breaks, as a time of silence music notes melodic harmony. Dance artist with matter, with colour, in a movement where force combines the grace for a burst of beauty, all the senses in an encounter with life, tender and powerful at the same time. Roseline Al oumami also left his easel to spread on the ground, working with their hands in happiness painting that captures the whole. The woman as artist to say and take a density which combines audacity and maturation of a renewed effort.

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