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Caen / France
Artiste Digital artist

Sylmi is a passionate photographer, whose boundless imagination is reflected in each shot. À Through his photographs and digital images, he tells stories and transmits deep emotions, bringing life to life. inspiring ideas and concepts. As he himself says: "A photographer escapes from fear. the influence of time by taking the time to immortalize the life around it." His creative talent stood out. during exhibitions Caen, notably with the series “The superheroes arrive at home”. Caen", where he masterfully merged with iconic pop culture characters and iconic landscapes of the city. This unique approach, mixing fiction and reality, has captivated many people. the public. For Sylmi, photography is much more than a hobby; it is an incessant quest for beauty. and emotion. Each image is a window into his soul, an expression of his devouring passion. Sylmi also scored the world of food photography with his distinctive style. His collaboration with Cures Marines Trouville and chef Johan Thyriot, particularly during seasonal menu changes, testifies to his ability to adapt. capturing the essence of haute cuisine. One of his photos for Chef Thyriot, particularly remarkable, was a success. highlighted in the 2017 Michelin guide, thus highlighting the extent and diversity of of his talent.

Artistic approach

After this enriching experience, Sylmi decided to pursue her career. to give a new direction to his career. He now focuses on digital art, merging photography and graphics to create works that evoke paintings, but realized digitally.

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Dates clés
first exhibition in Caen
10 years of superheroes in Caen (exhibition project)

The artistic work of Sylmi

Newly added works

Charlie Chaplin

Le parfum

L'âme des objets


Without counterfeiting