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Uwe JW
Blagnac / France
Artiste Painter
Uwe JW

Inspired by by American Pop Art and the art of photorealism.

Uwe JW, a Toulouse artist of German origin, works in his own way on portraits of character icons with a positive image, and mixes modern and vintage style.

Uwe JW works at oil, pencils, acrylic and collages.

He also likes to experiment with different and innovative techniques.

Artistic approach

More recently, he has worked on on a series of paintings made of aluminum plates.

His latest creations are inspired by the elegance of gestures and the beauty of life. ballet dancers.

The last method is based on photos, re-resourced. on computer. The objective being to reduce the image to its essentials and to play between color and raw metal.

He works with high quality acrylic colors. As finishes, he applies a layer of resin.

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