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Vincent Blümer
Rouen / France
Artiste Painter
Vincent Blümer

I was born in Santiago de Chile, with a sculptor father and a writer mother. My father was an art professor at the University of Antofagasta, Chile. As a child I accompanied him to his workshops where he taught me art. the fundamentals of drawing and painting. I studied law at the University of Chile, then art at the same university. At the same university, I took workshops with the muralist Gregorio de la Fuente, disciple and collaborator of Siqueiros. The use of abstraction is combined with figurative elements with references to nature, primitive cultures and the pre-Columbian world, reinventing images of a lost universe of which only traces remain and that inhabits the collective incipient. I currently live and work in France.

Artistic approach

For my work I use paint and graphic elements, I mainly use acrylic because with them I can develop a fluid and spontaneous painting, I can also paint with mixed techniques using pencils, oils , acrylic paints, inks and colored earths, among others. The supports are fabrics, cardboard and paper. The style of my work is abstraction but with figurative elements or that allude to nature. recognizable shapes. Many forms are free association and can be completed through viewer observation.

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André Malraux Cultural Center

The artistic work of Vincent Blümer

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Présence Ancienne
