A visualconceptualartist, AÏAKOS experimentswithcement, taming the rawmaterialintothe one single medium of his canvasses. Workingonlywith the knife, AÏAKOS playsnowupon the rough texture of the engraved line, anchoringhiswork in the world of telluricsolidity, and nowupon the strangefeel of a surprisinglyinhabited fine grain. Using the minerality of the chosenmaterialenrichedwithvarious pigments, the artist carries us into a fantasmagoric world thatmirrorshisownemotions. Havingcreated the concept of Cement Painting Art, AÏAKOS fashions and shapes to the utmostrefinement the banal, totally modern and radicallyunexpectedmaterial : cement. In sodoing, he opens a door onto a new artistic world of constant interplaybetween the material substance and the graphicgesture, givingrise to a subtle exchange between the obvious and the suggested, between the symbolic on the one hand and concealed feelings on the other.