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Artificial art: art or no art?
art-artificiel-art-ou-pas-art - ARTACTIF
January 2023 | Reading time: 7 Min | 0 Comment(s)

With artificial intelligence (AI) software in the spotlight, and with the latter extending its scope to art, we turn to the question: Artificial art: art or no art? Such a topic cannot be the subject of two controversial arguments, but it can certainly give rise to endless polemics.

Whether it be painting, sculpture, photography or drawing, art is by definition made by man for man. Indeed, art is intended for man in order to deliberately touch his emotions and feelings. So, no, art created by artificial intelligence certainly cannot be considered art, because art must be a human act, a conscious and thoughtful human achievement, which appeals to one's emotions, mood, imagination and choices. Today, AI systems are capable of creating any image in any style, from impressionism to cubism or pop art. All they need is detailed code. Visuals made by an AI can in no way be considered art in the true sense of the word. The results of this form of pseudo-art can simply be compared to standardized, Taylorized advertising visuals, such as those found in photo frames at the head of the aisles of shopping malls, to make the commercialized object more attractive, or lambdas photos made in multiple copies that can be found hanging on walls everywhere.

Although the definition of art is subjective and varies from person to person, artificial art cannot be seen as art in its own right, as it is not conceived by genuine human artistic creativity. There is no conscious choice, intention, decision, or any kind of sentimental motivation behind a work of artificial intelligence, such as the colours, techniques used, or simply the choices defined by the artist's experience and emotions, because there is no artist behind this type of work from the start.

In short, this kind of sketch, visual or artificial art, created by AI, can only be considered as a simple random mathematical process carried out by algorithms. Could a poem sent by a loved one evoke emotions if it was written by a robot or a third person. Perhaps everything can be robotised, but definitely not feelings, and therefore naturally not art.


Illustration : "What if the Mona Lisa was a blond man? - Made with DALL_E

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