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How to use social networks to promote yourself?
comment-utiliser-les-reseaux-sociaux-pour-se-faire-connaitre - ARTACTIF
December 2021 | Reading time: 8 Min | 0 Comment(s)

Art should normally be situated outside any marketing logic. Nevertheless, artists need to share their work in order to make a living from it. And nowadays, any creative mind wanting to be known for its art must take care of its online presence, especially on social networks. But how can you showcase your creations? How to reach a maximum number of people and therefore potential customers?

Social networks

1h20: that's the average time spent by French people on social networks every day. Time spent publishing, viewing, liking, following, sharing and commenting on content. These networks, where images and videos are exchanged by the millions every minute, have become one of the main places where we talk, and terms like "content" and "engagement" are now the watchwords of marketing experts. And if there is one area that stirs emotion, provides content, appeals to our senses, and disrupts codes, it is art. The preponderance of images, the flagship language of social networks, makes art more accessible to a wider range of people with varied profiles.

Social networks are often a direct gateway to a younger, responsive and high-potential audience, which complements the regulars in auction rooms and galleries or those who buy from specialised online sites. Facebook and Instagram are the preferred networks of art buyers: 55% use the former and 50% consult the latter for their research. Where Facebook provides information and discussion, Instagram is more like a giant catalogue with the promise of high engagement for the artist.

However, despite the opportunity that social networks represent to make themselves known and sell more to a wider audience, there are still relatively few artists who expose themselves on the web. Indeed, figures show that less than 1 in 3 French artists (visual artists, photographers, designers, painters...) use Instagram to show their work. And this is understandable... Because making oneself known as an artist is not improvised: talking about oneself and one's works is not given to everyone and mastering marketing techniques and codes as well as the functioning of social networks for professional use is not innate.

This is why ARTactif offers artists support solutions adapted to their needs and their budget. Through services such as the creation of tailor-made advertising campaigns on Facebook and/or Instagram, ARTactif helps artists to publicise their name, their artistic identity and to highlight their works to 2,600,000 art lovers in France. The procedure is simple, you just have to fill in an online request with brief information and to indicate the budget allocated to this operation: ARTactif takes care of everything else. And once the promotional campaign is over, precise statistics are provided concerning the scope of the actions implemented. The ARTactif teams are attentive to the needs of the artists and are ready to accompany them to boost their visibility and notoriety.


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Example: Gallery specializing in Pop Art